The R30 series of medium-duty racking is a light-load series of storage racking featuring a well-thought-out, less metal-intensive design.
Due to its characteristics, R30 racks can be used in any warehouse or commercial premises.
The advanced design of racks makes them convenient for any field of activity.
R30 Medium duty racks can be installed in a line of unlimited length, with any number of tiers and the ability to adjust the beams in any height with 30 mm pitch.
The main structural elements of the rack R30:
Uprights of two standard sizes with a section of 40x54 mm and 55x54 mm are a solid cold-rolled profile, with inclined perforation on the front surface for installing beams.
Possibility to choose cross-section of an upright allows to choose the upright suitable for the required operational load.
Beams with a profile height of 50 mm and 65 mm are horizontal bearing elements on which shelves are installed to accommodate goods.
The choosing of the profile is carried out based on the approximate load on the storage tier. The connection of a beam to an upright is backlash-free with a wedging effect.
Due to this innovative solution, the beam is rigidly fixed to the post and its deflection is significantly reduced, resulting in an increase in the allowable load on the beam, which is confirmed by load tests.
The assembled structure acquires increased rigidity, stability and load capacity. Shelves and beams form a working plane on which goods are laid out.
The rack R30 can be equipped with both metal shelves and decking made of chipboard or plywood.
To protect against accidental removal of the hooks a lock is installed in each bracket.
The load capacity of a rack tier is up to 1.5 tons. The total load per section is up to 7 tons.